Wednesday, December 13, 2006

No Field Trips

Apparently field trips are out. I missed the memo.

I talked with my principal this past week about putting together a field trip to Rice University or the University of Houston for my students. Her response was rather perplexing.

I told her that I had heard the district was kind of funny about field trips and was wondering what the policy was. Her response was, "Well, I don't have a problem with any field trips, as long as they are grade-level wide."

WHAT? The entire sixth grade has to go? "Yes, Mr. Wilson." Well, in that case, I asked, could the entire sixth grade go on a college field trip?

"Funny you should ask that Mr. Wilson. I would normally not have a problem with that, but since our fundraiser was lackluster this year, I have to say no. Why don't you start planning it for next year and see if you can get everyone on board."

Are you kidding me? Next year?! My kids will be in middle school next year and won't be able to go on the field trip next year.

"Well," I persisted, "what if it's like a reward trip for my class. They set an academic goal and if we meet it, they can go on the trip as their reward."

Her response is one which I still don't understand. She said that "we" shy away from reward trips because it's not fair to those students who don't get to go. In her words, "We have to give all students the same chance to go."

Funny. I thought all my students would have an equal opportunity to go. If they make the choice to work hard and reach the goal, then they get rewarded; that's the whole point of a reward. If you're just going to give everyone the reward trip though, it ceases to be a reward. So, then, why even work hard to reach the goal? Why even work?

Why even go to school anymore?

I bet if I planned a field trip to the Texas Education Agency (the group that writes the TAKS standardized test) she wouldn't have a problem with it.

This policy sucks!

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