Saturday, July 29, 2006

A Broader Perspective

I've always considered myself to have a rather broad perspective on life. However, now that I find myself surrounded by so many amazing individuals (extremely smart, talented, dedicated, etc.) from every corner in America, I realize how much my perspective was lacking in Georgia.

I get so excited at the chance to learn from other TFAers about how life works in their home states and/or colleges. Many TFAers have had international experience (one lived in Germany for three years), which adds a whole other dynamic to the conversation. It's just really great to engage in a deep, thoughtful, and respectable conversation with truly incredible individuals who all share this same passion -- TFA.

I also realize how I am contributing to other people's broadening perspectives. Because I am in unfamiliar territory as well, I am able to provide language, dialogue, dress, and customs which are typical of my neck of the woods -- GEORGIA.

I get a lot of pride showing my Georgia experiences with others here in Houston. But, I also realize how limited my experiences have been in Georgia. And that makes me extremely thankful for this opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and learn so much about others and their unique perspectives.

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