Tuesday, August 29, 2006

What a Day...

Wow! Thank God today is over with! It was quite a dramatic day for Miller Intermediate School. Here's what happened...

-This morning 9 teachers were out, and 4 of them had no subs. That means that the kids in those 4 classrooms had to be spread out among the remaining teachers. My class had three students added, all of whom spoke Spanish.

-One of those teachers with no sub was on my team, which meant more work was shifted to me in order to cover there not being a teacher in her classroom.

-A kid was hauled off by the police this morning for several reasons. First, he brought a pellet gun on campus. Second, he had already shot 6 kids with it at the bus stop. And third, did I mention he was shooting kids with a pellet gun?

-One of the mentally handicapped students had a severe breakdown today. Their classrooms are basically in the middle of the building. The Special Education Team had to put her in a classroom by herself to try to control her. The teachers and counselors worked all day to get her calm. Everyone in the entire building could hear her screaming all day long - it sounded like they were killing her or something. Try making 30 6th graders be quiet in the hallway when you have a girl screaming in the room next door.

-I was approached by a parent in the cafeteria today (they are allowed on campus to eat lunch with their children - why? I have no idea!) who basically accused me of physically attacking his daughter's art project with a marker and then verbally assaulting her. All this was in front of my entire team - not just my class of 26 at the time, but all 80 students I see everyday. Not the time, nor the place.

To top it all off, the laminator broke today!

Like I said, what a day!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Matt! What a day...hang in there - Wednesday has to be better!
S Mull

Anonymous said...

Hey Matthew,
Sorry to hear about the crazy day you had yesterday. My days are not so "exciting" as yours but can be just as stressful. Just remember why you're there and that we, your friends and family, back in good old Georgia are praying for you. We know you'll do an awesome job. Why? Just because you're you. You're unique and very special. It won't be long and those kids will realize what an awesome teacher Mr. Wilson is. Keep your chin up! Mrs Carol

Anonymous said...

Heh Matt-I saw your Mom at the hair place today and she gave me your blog-I feel your pain. Remember-it is kids like you that make your Thursdays ok!! Keep it up. Ms. B!