Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Today's Numbers... 26 and 146

Today was a good day. Today was one of those days where I felt like I was being productive from the moment I woke up this morning, which was 30 mins early, by the way (5:05am). No idea why; just sat straight up this morning, ready to take a shower.

Class went well today. It was probably due mainly to the fact that Taylor, my worst-behaved student, was in SAC (in-school suspension) all day from where I was forced to write him up last week. He was determined to push my buttons and see how far he could go. Turns out, he got four strikes, then Mr. Wilson sent him down the hall, straight to the AP's office.

I'm really starting to get fed up with SAC though, I have to admit. Everyday, I'm interrupted in first block by my phone ringing. It's always the SAC teacher, requesting work for my 2 or 3 students who are in SAC for the day. I've only sent 3 students to SAC so far; you have to go pretty far to earn a referral from Mr. Wilson. However, my other team teachers aren't as hesitant to sent behavior problems to SAC.

The only problem is that it creates more work for the teacher. Inevitably, I have to stop my first block for 10-15 mins, while I run around the room, trying to piece together some "busy work" for my students in SAC, knowing the whole time that the only way my students will master anything is by physically being in my classroom. It's a catch-22. Starting tomorrow, there are no SAC referrals by Mr. Wilson. Instead, you get a time-out or have to stand or something, but you HAVE to remain in the classroom. It's the only way to learn the objective. In order for students to learn, they need a TEACHER! It seems pretty obvious, but you'd be surprised.

On the way home, I spent 26 mins on the phone with the gas company trying to get my name added to the account at my house, which apparently was not the result of the half-hour conversation I had with them almost two months ago. The lady kept putting me on hold because her computer wouldn't respond. Apparently, whenever someone at the gas company types in "Matthew Wilson" to their computer, the system refuses to process the order. Who knew? Anyway, she wound up taking my number and calling me back - which she could have just as easily done at minute 12 (and save me half the daytime cell phone minutes), but what can you do? I really enjoy hot showers in the morning.

Since I've been home, I've been a grading machine (thanks Meg for the break), due to the fact that progress reports are due to the APs tomorrow so that students can take them home on Thursday. I am happy to report that I've recorded a total of 146 grades, which is both a Science and Social Studies grade for each of my 73 students. Technically, they received two conduct grades also, which really means I recorded 292 grades tonight - yikes!

A big thanks goes to Mom for the "pencil pouches" I received this weekend. The desks in my classroom don't allow for a place for students to put their pencils, so they wind up on my floor at the end of every day. My students really enjoyed their "gifts" today and thought it was "cute" that they came from my Mom. Thanks Mom!


Anonymous said...

Please tell your class I was glad I could make something for their classroom...anything you all need, let me know...tell yours kids Ms. Pat says "Hi"...Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Matt, Your blog is the first thing I read every morning. Yours and Missy's. Your insights inspire me to go on to my school and be the AP who does everything she can think of to allow the teachers in my building to teach. Keep your ideals high and your feet planted in reality and you will continue to make a positive inpact on the lives of your students.
Mary Garrison-Casey's aunt

and ps-thanks for changing your blog so that I can comment!!!!